Tuesday, December 18, 2007


somewhere i've lost sleep.. and its gone..

please send some my way.


'da bus'

OMG its been like 2 weeks since they put this new route thing in that affects how i get home. well this is the 2nd time they have skipped my stop and its getting frustrating telling them what their job should be.

I filed another silly report into the bus company but that doesn't seem to work.

3rd time i'm gonna throw a shit fit :P

Friday, November 30, 2007

Santa + Speedos = ??

I was surprised to find a picture on reuters about santa speedo run in boston. googled and found pictures of very distracting boys in red :P


for the lazy

it was fun distraction.

I wonder if their will be more. Love guys being athletic and silly all at the same time.

off to finding me some drinks its friday and i need a break from reality

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

thunder - lightning - white out!

well honolulu is suppose to be paradise and most ways it is but not today.

we are close to having a whiteout of rain versus snow. the whole wet thunder lightning bs is here and i'm enjoying it thoroughly

thanks to a sweet and yet corrupting friend i'm addicted to timberland's - the way i are.
some how the female vocals for me rock in this song even thou its more of the harmonies and chorus.

Hopefully she puts out more music.

well back to the marvell of not being able to see a damb thing in honolulu. pictures to come.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

home again

well i just made it home from a trip that solved alot of questions as well as infect me with a few more.

i'm glad i did this trip i found a friend that deserves someone that can make him happy if that what he wants.

one of these days i'll figure out what is up with me liking guys that don't like me romantically.

well its 6:18 time to get to work :(

Monday, November 19, 2007

rollercoaster of life

you ever wonder why life is full of ups and downs?

i was completely blown away by someone these past few days.
his generosity and his kindness even when he wasn't feeling well.

and i keep asking myself how'd i find my way through life to find such a great guy.
ever meet a person where you want to make his life easier.. well i think i have.

not really sure if he feels the same way i keep asking myself details about the interactions i've had with him over these past few months and i'm left confused and wanting.

i know he'll make a great significant other i'm just not sure if he feels the same way about me.

dazed and confused

Thursday, November 15, 2007


i don't know how to describe it, i'm counting the hours down to see someone again. in a way i'm a little scared and i'm also so excited. i'm just in a weird state feeling so many feelings that i'm not sure what is the more dominant one of these i should describe but i'm not sure if that is right i'll just have to worry about just living in the now but it so easily to look forward

Monday, November 12, 2007

Outing Riley

Its a interesting twisted movie, i do enjoy the irish catholic twist.

lately i keep coming back to the battle of religion and gay people.

family always seems to be a central component to it.

ok this movie is bizarre.. and yet i'm still watching it a 11:45 when i have to go to work in 6 hours :(

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Here we go

Well this is my first blog on this wacky system. We shall see where it goes.

Here is the street i live on.. ANALII or A-NA-LI-I or the dirty minded "anal" "II" st.
(took this this morning)